Sunday, November 20, 2005
Off to Taiwan
I think I will blog a bit about the bummer part. (**CENSORED 14 Dec 2006** somethings are better left unsaid in the cyberworld.... less we face complication later on).... will not talk about that anymore...for now.
Anyhow... I will try to take a bit more pictures to share with you guys. I know I know... remember to take pictures of chics right ??? Haiya... same request from all single ... no make that not married mah lat loh and mah lat chai... hahhhhah
See ya.. and take care
Friday, November 11, 2005
Hey hey Check this out

Malaysian Jean Luc Picard of USS Koperasi aka Peter Tan's First Mate, Spock Bryan
Thursday, November 10, 2005
What a day ???!!!!
Before I tell story about the break in. I would like to say something nice first. I was browsing through Kit's blog on the day I found out the Hazleen (one of the commentor on Kit's blog) is actually working in the same company as I am.
What a small world... I wanted to meet her before she leave today (last day mah).. adn finally get to talk to her and meet her... talk about impromptu ultra-mini blog meet. I mean she is a nice person.... and great to talk to her. I just wished that I have gotten the opportunity to talk to her more as a fellow blogger.
So... Hazleen.... This is to you... a new found friend... from just a few short talk and chat session with you.. I think you are a cool person. And good luck in Japan, Hazleen-san. Ogenkide (translation take care of yourself). Do keep in touch, mate !!!
Back to the story....
My car has been broken into and ransaked like siao. The thief tried to made off with my cheapo brand CD player that came with my car. But thank goodness he can't manage to get it off the bracket... he end up messing up the whole front panel of the CD player... buttons, chips of plastic is eevrywhere...
I lost a pair of very cheap sunglasses... but the damn thief didn't even take my Baleno clip on sunglasses... I was like huh ??!! Dumbass retard.... Before you think other wise... my car is a Toyota Corolla one.... ok ok 20 years Corolla LE... vely old one... and the damn dumbass retard of a thief also want to break in.....K** N** !!!!
Feel so violated liao, being in the same space with an intruder to your little space.. just different time frame. I mean why go an break into an old car lah wei.... I think maybe the place I park is a way bit too dark. Or maybe he thinks that usuallly old car don't have alarm... more about that later.
Came home a bit late the previous night.... so as usual Taman Pekaka area ... damn chia lat one.. no more place to park... so I thought near mosque and got people come and go should be safe and plus it is an old car. I was wrong. Today onwards I am going to park in brightly lit area preferably in front of some house facing it. Even I had to walk long distance.
And I just spend RM 270 on central locking and car alarm. At the very least, it will scare other itchy finger away. What I am most tu lan (translation pig's testicle) is that if he made of with the CD player sure pissed but leaving in dangling in pieces... aw man.. come one lah. And after I assemble it back... missing one button Damn!!!!
Anyway I will be going back to the shop again to ask the guy fix the wiring to my car meter light and rear light... didn't seems to work...
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Finally ... Off with his Hair
So here is one of the leng chai before and after (Courtesy of Peter Tan)

After.... Malaysian Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Koperasi
And now, as we awaits the more leng chai's and a leng lui with shaven heads
Peter, my friend... you are one of a kind. With people like you, and many great people... too.... I believe this is where the balance lies.... the ray of hope for humanity in the madness of today's world of high speed pursuit of materialistic and egoistic wealth.
There is hope after all .... for all of us. Knowing that the world will not spiral to damnation at breakneck speed, is a comforting thought. Peter, you have always put into perspective and reality check into things, we "modern" people take for granted. Issues that are morally and humanly wrong and illogical are put in their rightful place though people may in their closed mind think otherwise....
Note : To these type of people, ..... I really wanted to say (*insert profanity*)... But hey I couldn't be bothered by your small mindedness and pettyness... you have the right to be under your own "tempurung" (coconut shell).. Have fun fren
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Time flies...

Hair For Hospice - Penang Hospice-At-Home ProgrammeFor all my post from now on until Nov, I will keep this small caption on the Hair For Hospice Charity Campaign that I am helping my friend Peter to spread the word.
You can click here to link to the Hair For Hospice post or visit Peter's blog.
Please help to spread the word by sending the link below to your friends. I thank you from the bottom my heart.
~~~~~~~~~~~Now Back to regular yak yak~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was watching TV a couple of minutes ago and Patrick Teoh was hosting a show called Jazz Cafe. I think it was a cheap imitation by TV2 on the 8TV's latte at 8... but that is not the point. The point here is Patrick Teoh.

The man himself...Patrick .... I salute thee
He has got good strong voice, deep, good sense of humour and great command of English.. not so much of the false accent thing but more to the good Old English.
Listening to his voice again after so many years brought back memories of my not so distant childhood (well that is still relative depending who I am talking to). I remember when I used to tune in to Radio 4 FM98.7 in Penang as I lay my head down to sleep....Hearing his voice over the small transistor or cassette player that I had..(well I gradually upgraded it to Walkman), while I prepare to board the train to dreamland... it is somehow soothing....and assuring. I think it was a nightly thing. But I do remember that one of the programme that he hosted was a call-in ghost story programme... past midnight... so it was pretty hair raising listening to callers calling in.
But today as I listen back to his deep and strong voice, I reminded that it was almost 10 years or more that I recalled that memory. Time has just flown by come to think about it. Or maybe I have taken it for granted? (which I think it is a combination of both and like they say "Time flies when you happy and enjoying yourself")
Hey I just realise that he has a blog .. here too !!! OMG... I am not sure this is his blog coz no photo of his or other real-life photo lah...... at least Afdlin Shauki's has his own photo with his selambakodok...Anyway I think I will leave the link on.. I think it is leggit.... I have surfing while blogging anyway...
To the man behind the awesome voice and entertainment on un-earthly hours entertaining me, smoothen my ride to dreamland.... Patrick Teoh.... I salute thee
Sunday, October 23, 2005
The Week That Was....

Hair For Hospice - Penang Hospice-At-Home Programme
For all my post from now on until Nov, I will keep this small caption on the Hair For Hospice Charity Campaign that I am helping my friend Peter to spread the word.
You can click here to link to the Hair For Hospice post or visit Peter's blog.
Please help to spread the word by sending the link below to your friends. I thank you from the bottom my heart.
~~~~~~~~~~~Now Back to regular yak yak~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A lot has happened the past week, it has been a pressure week for me. But somehow that is of little importance compared to the passing away of a human being. A person. A mother. A wife. A grandma. A friend. To different people, it has a different definition. But ultimately someone dear and close to heart.
20th October 2005
The Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri Endon Mahmood died at 7.55 am today at the Prime Minister’s official residence in Putrajaya after fighting a long battle with cancer. Endon, 64, breathed her last about 18 days after returning from undergoing a treatment for breast cancer in Los Angeles, United States. She is survived by two children.
The Star
It doesn't seem to affect me as much.. initially I mean.. but later on... I somehow felt moved and disturbed that a person... a being... a human being has breath its last and no more... For a moment there I am thinking of what the afterlife meant for this person. But I am distracted to a more emotional thought. What will it be like to leave behind someone whom you care very much? Hmm... sad isn't it? I guess it will be equally sad for the one being left behind.
Until that time when we have to leave, what will we do with the limited time we may have? What would you do? But a more pressing would be what are you doing with the time you have now?
As for me, I have too much attachments now to be able to leave in peace. Too much to just let go and move on.
Side note : Initially I am about to blog of some people who pisses me off after leaving cineplex from watching movie and lit up a fag.. air pollution in narrow corridor... cute baby being dumped... I think that will be some other time then.... again procrastination.... hmmm.... this is not good.... not fully utilising the time that I have. Some other time then... Don't want to spoil this post by me cursing and bitching ...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Interviewing the Bald Men

Hair For Hospice - Penang Hospice-At-Home Programme
For all my post from now on until Nov, I will keep this small caption on the Hair For Hospice Charity Campaign that I am helping my friend Peter to spread the word.
You can click here to link to the Hair For Hospice post or visit Peter's blog.
Please help to spread the word by sending the link below to your friends. I thank you from the bottom my heart.
~~~~~~~~~~~Now Back to regular yak yak~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well last Saturday, Peter sort of "invited" me over to his place to show some support for the Hair For Hospice ... there is someone from Sin Chew paper I think dropping by to interview him. And I wanted to see his place although I stay near him, so this is the chance I get to see his place.
Certain things able body person like us take for granted are things that I begin to notice after getting to know Peter more. Steps before doorway, bathroom doors, height of kitchen stove and the list goes on. Ramp for steps and lower stove level are noticed. I think before I get to know Peter I wouldn't have notice these things and the plights of the disable people. I should say I am disabled-friendly-enlightened.
Anyway, Sapiens Bryan and Really Bites were there too. Peter "pressure" me by saying that some guys coming over from Air Itam also come to support while me staying a stone throw's away "also don't want to come and support meh?"... Hey I just woke up, had my breakfast and enjoying my Saturday morning mah!!! And besides I am social shy ok?
Anyway I went anyway after shower and everything... don't want to smell like a sweaty bum lah. Mom always teach me the good morality stuff ok... more on that some other day. Some chit chatting and photos later.. it was over...*hmm boy that was kinda short of an interview and photo thingy..... well I snapped some photos too.... but I think the one below is the best
Now ain't that a lovey dovey couple
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
E-Gate Penang Bloggers Meet
For all my post from now on until Nov, I will keep this small caption on the Hair For Hospice Charity Campaign that I am helping my friend Peter to spread the word.
You can click here to link to the Hair For Hospice post or visit Peter's blog.
Please help to spread the word by sending the link below to your friends. I thank you from the bottom my heart.
Ok back to business....Before I start, Minishorts they say you are going to kill me.. and I am so DEAD. Well I just want to say.... this is all for Charity. Spare me *sob sob*
I think today's entry is due.. and I don't want to procrastinate anymore or else it won't get done. Well I went to my first blogger's meet in Penang. It was nice I get to meet some of the nice and wonderful people of the Penang blog kampung.. hahahha. There's 5xmom and her cute kid, SapiensBryan, Really Bites, Kenny the TV King, Peter of course and Peter's friend, Eugene.. I think.
Anyway, I think it is great to have met some of the bloggers in person. Initially I thought I will be very uncomfortable with strangers.... but somehow these bunch of people ranging from mothers, students, lawyer potential.... I mean these people are just so nice. I just wish I get to meet more people from the Penang blogging kampung. I don't know whether it is because Bryan is not as famous as Peter which Bryan kept saying because of the poor turn out or Penang people really ... umm... kia-si aka takut mati aka afraid to die (literal translation) to show their face or something... Penang Bloggers.. I am really disappointed in you lah... but I will reserve a benefit of a doubt..
See you guys turn out in droves the next meet ok ? Haahha....
Ok back to Star trek 5xmom's favourite subject, Star Trek. I am still trying my best not to let the two nice gentlemen be Spock as much as I can. I must admit my Photoshop skill sucks big time...

The two Leng Chai
But after October comes November leh.... they will be this.....
The two Kwong Tau Chai
Note to Bryan and Peter .. Any second thoughts ? I think not so much of Peter but Bryan.... Dumm dum DAAAAAA.... Peter couldn't help but want to get rid of the long mane from all the constant nagging from the girls (you gal know who you are ok?). Pity Peter only.... there is only ONE of him and so many of you.. sigh....
Friday, October 07, 2005
He needs no other intro... Peter. Man you have just "levelled up" in terms my respect for you. You never cease to amaze me. You are simply awesome. Peter is currently running a charity event called Hair For Hospice charity campaign for Hospice Penang. They are running Penang Hospice-At-Home-Programme, check it out. For more information, please visit the Hospice’s website at Please check out Peter's site for the donation information and other legal letters.
I have personally pledge a small amount to the cause. I have always believe and have been brought up to help those less fortunate than me or needed help. I am always be glad to help in any way that I can to charity's, old folk's home, special needs children and other NGOs.
To all my readers, I sincerely hope you can help out in any other small or big way that you can. I sincerely thank you up front for your generosity and considerations.
And now.. for something less serious... want to know how Peter will look like without his 42-month mane ?

Hmm Peter look's a bit weird doesn't he ?
Or this is weird ?
But I think it is ok lah.. better than Ju-on on minishorts site. I was reading her site that there are other reader that request that she go bald also. Of course she decline. There is actually someone offering RM 100 for her to go bald for the Hair For Hospice Charity Campaign. Well I mean Minishorts if you ever think what you will look like bald.. well here it is ala Kenny Sia style. Minishorts if you find it offending let me know. Although we only met once in Mid Valley with Peter and Wuan few weeks back, I hope you don't flame me.... Peter say you are a nice person. Anyway.... here goes......*strap on bullet proof vest and dig into trench and brace for impact
The Bald and Beautiful ...and gang
Finally, please donate and do what you can for the Hair For Hospice charity campaign. It is the least you can do as a person for your fellow human being. I thank you again sincerely.